Yes. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive technique which helps a person learn how to control, or self-regulate, their brain waves. It is not by definition a treatment. The headset is simply used to listen to and record the brainwaves, it doesn’t transmit anything into the brain thus being non-invasive.
Neurofeedback should not be considered a 'Treatment' like medication. Much like exercise is shown to significantly improve depression, Neurofeedback is dependent on the person engaging in a regular 'exercise' regime to train their brain. Through the process of simply wearing the headset and playing the games, intentionally trying to improve your weekly scores (fitness), the brain will teach itself to better regulate its activities. Improving the brains regulation of its eeg (arousal) will translate into corresponding improved regulation of attention, mood, behaviour and sleep.
That means that when you need to pay attention you can, and when you need to bounce back after a disappointment, you can- thus maintaining optimal peak performance.