How we work with you

There is a lot that can be done to improve the functioning of the brain and how it performs.
At Neuroperformance, we bring together in an integrative way the latest that science has to offer into a very personalised approach for our clients. Our neuro-enhancement approach is informed by a thorough diagnostic process that truly helps to understand your unique brain. We include psychology, neuroscience, nutritional medicine, DNA Epigenetics, and at times blood lab results to fully explore your unique biology.

Engaging with us will involve:



It begins with a confidential, face to face comprehensive intake that explores the areas of your life that may be impacting on your brain achieving optimal performance. 



A comprehensive diagnostic that also looks directly at your brain functioning (Qeeg) is conducted to uniquely inform your program of performance enhancement. DNA wellness testing is a further option that may be included to further personalise your assessment, to better understand your unique biology.


Your unique results are tailored for performance improvement over the next 6 to 12 months, addressing the root cause. Your program combines interventions from cutting edge science in neuromodulation, nutraceuticals and psychology to help stimulate cognitive functions and improve brain plasticity. 



Think of us as your partner in lifelong brain health. Regular reviews and assessments continue to measure and monitor your progress.

Ready to get started?